Content Calendar

 I’ll admit, I’ve had some issues with production lately, both in the podcast and in the Frug Life blog. I have a bunch of material stuck in the pipeline but very little has been coming out. Well, here is to change, as I’m publishing my blog content plan.

Fi is not the end

I reflect on one of my favorite Youtubers Adam Raguasa (and no, not about Food [or music]) and his thoughts on achieving financial independence and how it might not be all it is cracked out to be. 

The dropout

A great series, I wrote about it a long time ago, here is my reflection on it.

AI tips on giving to Charity

AI helped me write this, is it good?

The podcasting Series

Here is a whole month focused on podcasting. Will the Frug Life episode also be about podcasting? Hopefully!

My review of Acast

Best free podcast hosting platforms

Top episodes on spotify and the state of the podcast

The problem with podcast advice

Making Money Series

Another month long series, this one on making money! Or well, something adjacent to it.

7 ways to make money writing

Working without a set schedule

Passive income 

Experiments with money

Hiring a VA

Books and other reflection

Reflections on "An Accountant"'

You were Born Rich chapter 2

Fraud of money

Release of the Newest Book!


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